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Friday, July 20, 2007

Salut de The Last Frontier!

Hello world! I am finally in Anchorage, in the state of Alaska, The Last Frontier. It is great out here and I must confess, rather different from what I imagined. For starters, it is not cold (weather and people included), it is very sunny, the capital is not Anchorage but Juneau, and there are no large mosquitoes capable of lifting human beings away. At least, none that I have seen. The place is wonderfully beautiful, sorrounded by snow-capped mountains and the sea, which I visited this evening. I am planning to go for a long drive and a long hike this weekend. But first, I need to recover from the flight across the pond. I flew in via Chicago but the weather in Chicago turned nasty with heavy thunderstorms and lightning all around, and horizontal rain drops lashing against the plane. So, for a few hours, we had no flights going out or coming in from Chicago and I arrived at Anchorage at 2:30am instead of 10:54pm! After a few hours of deep sleep, I was up and ready for work. Got a second id card in three days! People are great and I am loving it so far. Call it the honeymoon period but, so far, so good. The presentation I gave in London last Saturday was also very well received so I am generally rather pleased with the progress of things. It is quite late now but the sun is still out and I am told it will be bright until about 11pm. I wish I had more energy to go out and explore but I really need to rest as the body is sapped of energy from all the travel and a full day of intensive technical discussions today. Tomorrow is another big day; I am meeting not just the technology experts but the commercial managers as well. After all, I am an MBA! :-) I hope you like the pictures below. I will add more as I build up my collection.



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